'Garbage !'
usually the kinder-garden kids swear so unoffensive words, but the notion of an adult doing it makes you wonder about the high standard deviation in people across Maharashtra. Curses which don't end, futile attempts of threatening and incomplete justification are what you usually get when you irritate him. Usually the plot is bigger then the performer, but here the performer always tried taking limelight. (yep, that 'tried' was intentional).
The very first time during our PG admission when I met this guy, I thought to myself , had i met him somewhere else I would have taken him to be a commerce guy, a bank accountant or something. A very typical 'khandeshi' look of a skeleton with skin sticking to it. A very dull color shirt to match with a undefined dark bluish color trouser with snadels on his feet. This was the look I had to bare with for another year till the time he came round the corner in what could be named as 'tinted saint meets popular Satan'.
The initial encounters with the 'gang of uganda' earned him the title of 'wakdeshwar', the slanted one. As the days passed the slant angle angle reduced and then the phase shift operator, introduced by a research scholar took the angle in the second quadrant. The phase shift operators kept acting bit by bit , doing their part. 'The juice became hard and ... '. A gentle wave of hand, along with a soft smile and little gyration of hips he would dismiss the whole idea and change the topic to the origin (of trouble), "tu shadi kab kar raha hai be?" (when are you getting married)
It is hard to define human nature in few basis function, neither in time domain nor in frequency. It would be futile attempt on my part to try and fit basis function for him in spatial domain, but the thought of trying to enjoy the attempt was always a motivation for me. The first basis function, is behavior in group and when you are 'alone' (i could not think of a word, suggestions are welcome) with him and oddly his behavior is odd parity like a sine function with a unruly, erratic, immature and illogical behavior in public as compared to a calm, composed, well mannered and mature etiquette he observes when you find him devoid of group attraction. .
Just a few weeks after our admission in college, we had fallen in a healthy ritual of a morning walk to ground and round of yogic exercises with usual goofy and slapstick humor when a member of our group actually went into a meditative mode. One such morning while returning to our rooms, our dreamer was walking a few steps ahead of the group. It was his habit to walk briskly, his attention fixed on his own thoughts, his steps more heavy towards right steering him off the course and well I could go on and on. On this particular day my observation, as it turned out to be everyone view was put to lips by another of our hostelmate who was a fellow researcher in computer aided design and was accompanying us for the first time to our morning drill to flatten his ballooning tummy. The flow of comments that followed were a collection of explicit that were regionally famous but were now collectively discussed. From the tapori language of Mumbai, a sharp taunt of Pune, a Hydrabadi mixed Marathvada slang to a Nandurbari shivi and Kolhapuri laugh. The rest of Maharashtra contributed by smiling and taking a dig with either wink or common Bollywood movie dialogue. The division of conscious psyche, better known as ego was hurt, and from as we went to out customary tea stall, he escaped to his room. Better for him that his roommate was not from our pack and all morning cocoon of his was not breached. Latter during college, when someone, It could have been me (the probability of it being someone is quiet less as I was never a believer in trying to maintain a reputation and never was worried about the reputation of others), opened the issue where it was left in the morning faced a backlash, "How will you feel if your matters of room were discussed in public?" The only response I could manage was that of a weird facial expression which neither I understood nor can I describe. At this point I would also like to comment that these were my few of first ever days in a hostel. I was oblivious of the privacy pact that roommates usually followed, I learned latter that there were none and our dreamer was never in company of guys before. Time healed the wounds, or maybe he just matured enough to understand that group always consist of people who try to pull each others legs.
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